How to report crypto scams

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The first and most crucial thing to do if you or your business has fallen victim to cryptocurrency fraud is to register a complaint with the appropriate authorities and inform the cryptocurrency exchange where the crime occurred. Do this as soon as possible, before the scammers move your funds off the exchange and out of the reach of law enforcement.

For brands and businesses based in the United States, you can go to your local police station to lodge a complaint. You can also choose to report your case to the following authorities:

For European-based businesses, Europol is a helpful resource for finding the appropriate and relevant authorities to report crypto fraud. Europol recommends visiting your local police station to file a complaint if your Member State does not have a dedicated online option.

All cryptocurrency fraud complaints should generally contain the following pieces of information:

  • Your Personal Information (name, address, telephone, and email).
  • Any information or details about the scammers or the person receiving the funds.
  • Specific details on how you were victimized.
  • Proof of ownership of the stolen funds.
  • Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your complaint.
  • Your digital signature (no pseudonyms).

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